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Miyajima Shilabe moving-coil cartridge ($2800)

Miyajima Shilabe moving-coil cartridge 2800USD です。


The Shilabe's documentation is unintentionally humorous, but were I buying a cartridge at this price point, I wouldn't be amused. The cartridge pins aren't marked, but the one-sheet enclosed in the package identifies which is which, advising, "Please be connected to a color." I concur! "This Mature is devised to be able to play a sound of LP record faithfully," the instructions inform, along with "Please talk without adding a hand when a trouble happened."



 メーカー  宮島研究所

 製品名  ステレオカートリッジ -調-

 定価  US $2,800.00 + 関税

 インピーダンス  約 16Ω (出力:約 0.23mV)

 周波数特性  20 Hz to 32 kHz

 適正針圧  2.5g - 3.2g (推奨針圧 3g)

 針先  シバタ針   

 コンプライアンス  約 10×10-6cm/dyne   

 重量  約 10.4g

 Body  アフリカンブラックウッド