今回 video.com で購入した Avid Media Composer 4 with Production Suite には 定価 199.95 USD の Class on Demand Complete Training for Avid Media Composer が無料 Bundle されています。
This 5 hour training course will give you the solid foundation needed to quickly and easily get started with Avid Media Composer. Learn to edit like a pro regardless of past software experience.
This training will give you the solid foundation needed to quickly and easily get started with Avid Media Composer. It includes Lessons on Migrating to Media Composer for Express and Xpress Pro with Mojo users. Learn to edit like a pro regardless of past software experience. Hullfish will guide you through a series of information-packed lessons.
コメントどおり 5時間でエキスパートになれるかどうかは別にして動画付ですから英語版でもなんとかなるでしょう。